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    • Himalayan crystal salt from AquaSource

      Himalayan crystal salt from AquaSource

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      6.39 EUR

      Himalayan crystal salt from AquaSource

      Natural crystal salt - useful and universal
      In general, in general, every salt is "sodium chloride", but ordinary table salt is so refined, processed and full of additives that it no longer has much in common with the crystalline salt in its natural form, rich in natural elements.

      Our body usually needs a small amount of salt, taken every day. Excess salt is processed by the kidneys, but they can only excrete a certain amount. Over time, the consumption of large amounts of highly processed table salt can affect the normal functioning of the kidneys.

      Himalayan crystal salt

      Himalayan crystal salt is more than ordinary sodium and chloride. It can be considered as a holistic, complete, unchanged, natural salt that has crystallized in the earth's bowels for millions of years.

      Himalayan crystal salt is a pure, natural crystal salt that has been subjected to incredible pressures for millions of years. It is the pressure that has created crystals with exceptional order in their structure and has trapped the elements in their lattice in the form of sufficiently small particles to be easily absorbed by the body.

      Because pure, crystalline salt is an essential element of the earth, which is found in abundance, ancient and modern people have found various holistic applications. One of the most varied ways in which crystalline rock salt is used is the preparation of "Sole".

      Our Himalayan crystal salt products have been mined in a way that humans have discovered to use crystal salt over the centuries.

      Main advantages:
      • Hand-picked, hand-washed and sun-dried. 100% pure Himalayan crystal salt
      • Does not contain any additives
      • With the richest content of elements in the world, with 84 minerals
      • Can be used as a bath solution, as a beverage, cosmetics and for cooking
      • Himalayan crystal salt stores sunlight and individual minerals, ready to be released only with the addition of water

      For cooking and dining:
      Himalayan fine crystal salt - 200 g - salt
      Himalayan fine crystal salt - 400 g - package - salt filler
      Himalayan coarse crystalline salt - 400 g - filler for grinder

      Rock salt
      Himalayan rock crystal salt - 400 g
      Rock salt is widely used and can be used to prepare "Sole".

      For bath and leather:
      Himalayan crystal bath salt - 1600 g

      It has an extremely powerful purifying and invigorating effect on the body and soul. Use in a heated bath to relieve daily pain and problems in muscles and joints.

      • Salt provides the body with natural energy stored in crystals, which the body can retain for up to 24 hours.
      • Salt can neutralize the unbalanced pH, which causes various symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness and circulatory problems.
      • Salt can help dissolve and remove accumulated toxins and impurities that lead to various rheumatic pains and calcification of organs and muscles.
      • Sole can help neutralize addictions.
      • Salt helps cleanse the body, which leads to healthier and more beautiful skin.
      Vital drink "Saline solution"
      In order for the saline solution to be effective, it should be taken one teaspoon daily. And since the body heals rhythmically, its regular intake is recommended. Avoid processed salt. Use
      Himalayan crystal salt to spice up your food. From a biochemical point of view, the stomach and intestines are stimulated in minutes, which in turn stimulates digestion and metabolism.
      Preparation of Sole
      Put a few stones of Himalayan crystal salt in a jug and add quality spring water until the jug is full. After approximately 24 hours, see if the salt has completely dissolved.
      If so, add a few more stones. When the water can no longer dissolve the salt, the rock crystals will remain undissolved at the bottom. At this stage, the solution becomes saturated at 26% and is ready for consumption. Pour one teaspoon of 26%
      solution in a glass of spring water and take every morning before breakfast.
      To keep the solution saturated in the jug, add water and salt.
      Other applications
      Apart from being a life-giving drink, the use of 26% saline solution has various uses:

      Sinus lavage
      Use a 1% saline solution by dissolving 1 teaspoon of the 26% solution in a glass (about 250 ml) of lukewarm water. This concentration is equal to saline and purifies without irritating like seawater and chemical liquids. You will
      necessary and Neti (nasal wash).
      • Bend your head over the sink and insert a Neti spout (nasal wash) into one of your nostrils. Keep your mouth shut.
      • Tilt your head slightly forward and to the side.
      • The solution will flow through the nostrils up to
      sinuses and will come out through the other nostril.
      Repeat this procedure from the other nostril.
      This 1% solution is also excellent for gargling in case of infections of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and throat. It is also useful for rinsing the mouth to fight mouth ulcers, gingivitis and teeth whitening.

      Inhalation with Sole
      • Fill a wide container (pot, bowl or deep frying pan) with 2 liters of water.
      • Add 20 g of Himalayan crystal salt and stir until dissolved.
      • Cover your head with a large towel while holding it over the dish at a distance far enough away from burning yourself.
      • Breathe deeply for about 10 to 15 minutes.
      • For about 30 minutes, the respiratory system surrounds the contaminants with mucus, after
      which expels them by coughing.
      • Repeat the procedure several times a day as needed.

      Eye wash
      • Carefully clean your makeup.
      • Pour 1% of the saline solution (1 teaspoon of 26% solution in 250 ml of water) into an eye wash container, lean forward, holding the container to the lower eyelid so that the liquid does not spill aside.
      • Carefully lift your head up and back while washing your eye with the solution, opening and closing it repeatedly so that the saline solution saturates the eye.
      • When opening, roll your eyes for a few minutes.
      Bath and beauty treatments. Unlike ordinary baths, where moisture
      takes away from the skin, the bath with saline solution allows salt to accumulate in the upper layer of the skin, thus keeping it hydrated.
      The alkaline character of the bath with Sole leaves the feeling of softness and silky smoothness. A thirty-minute bath with Sole has the same cleansing effect as a three-day fast!
      • Pour 400 g of Himalayan crystal salt into the bath and add enough water to cover it. The salt will dissolve in the next half hour.
      • Fill the bath with water at body temperature (approx. 37ºC). This is important because the body will not lose energy to maintain the required temperature. The bath will maintain this temperature at all times due to the resonance of the salt.
      • Stay in the bath for about half an hour and then just soak your body without wiping it. Relax and unwind for about half more
      • Do not put any soaps or additives in the Sole bath.
      • If you feel tension while taking a bath, as this is a circulatory challenge, you can only immerse
      your feet in Sole.
      You can make a cleansing mask by mixing fine salt with olive oil (olive oil) or other natural oil. Gently massage the mixture on the skin. An excellent detoxifier. Rubbing has a cleansing effect and makes the skin clean, firm and hydrated.

      We thank Dr. Barbara Handel, author of The Book of Salt and Water, for some of the texts provided.

      The salt and water solution known as "Sale" contains important elements similar to those found in the ocean, where life began on the planet. These elements can be used in many different and useful ways.

      Himalayan rock crystal salt can be used as a beverage - as "Sole", as a solution for bath or foot, or for washing. Its properties make it so versatile. There are as many different methods for preparing Sole as there are for its application, and some of them are:

      • Invigorating drink "Sole" - for daily consumption
      • Foot cleansing solution - done once a week
      • Facial cleansing - daily
      • Hot inhalation
      • Daily cleaning of the sinuses
      • Ladies shower
      • Daily cleaning of teeth and gums

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